Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."--Marcel Proust

After reading my last post, I mention that the purpose of adding more fun and adventure in my life is so I don't become too sedentary and stuck in my comfort zone, but really I think the Nadine Stair quote said it best. I've learned a pretty simple lesson this month. Lately I've been so inspired by the tiny life growing inside me that it has changed my perspective on what matters and it has brought me a sense of clarity and gratefulness that I've never had before. Even more, a friend from high school tragically lost his baby boy to SMA this month, and knowing that every second of Miller's short life was special and appreciated has really moved me to change the way I live my own.

Although I will always look forward to fun and new experiences, I realize now that I'm not truly living my life every time I count down the hours until work is over, or the days until the upcoming weekend or the weeks until my next vacation. What about the large amounts of time spent in between all this "fun" stuff? Rather than planning for fun and adventurous experiences, I have spent the past few weeks finding enjoyment in each moment and each part of everyday life. Living a fulfilling life with no regrets is less about going on amazing vacations and wild adventures, but it is more about finding the beauty in everyday things, not worrying so much, and not wasting a single precious second we are given on this earth. My husband, my home, my family, my job: these things are all I need to lead a fun and happy life, and I honestly don't know if I could have said that a few months ago.

I guess it's also safe to say that what I once considered the definition of fun and adventure (partying like a rock star in Vegas comes to mind) doesn't sound all that fun (or doctor approved) anymore. These days, cuddling with my husband in a hammock and making each other laugh sounds like fun. Having friends over for a cookout and board games sounds like fun.Taking my dog on a walk and eating cookie dough ice cream sounds like fun. Reading a good book and falling asleep in bed by 10 pm actually sounds like fun. I am slowly turning into *gulp* an old person...but I think I like it.

Thank you, Miller, for teaching me that every little moment matters.

1 comment:

  1. just came accross your blog and had to say that i loved this post! Miller was a beautiful, inspirational little blessing and touched so many lives! what a precious angel!
