Friday, May 13, 2011

"Our own physical body possesses a wisdom which we who inhabit the body lack." --Henry Miller

You would've thought I was Richard Simmons incarnate if you saw me 6 weeks ago. I started April hitting the gym almost every single day, I was pumped about getting in shape, and I kept the following log of my workouts to ensure I was meeting my weekly goal:

Monday 4/4: Body Pump Class (55 minutes)
Tuesday 4/5: Body Attack Class (55 minutes)
Wednesday 4/6: Spin Class (50 minutes)
Friday 4/8: Run/Walk (45 minutes)
Sunday 4/10: Run/Walk (45 minutes)

Wooohooo! Look at me. I'm getting fit, I feel good, I can do this! But why am I STARVING? If I'm going to look good in that bikini then I have to ignore these morning daydreams of bacon and biscuits and gravy. A banana for breakfast is fine.

Monday 4/11: Spin Class (50 minutes)
Tuesday 4/12: Body Attack Class (55 minutes)
Wednesday 4/13: Yoga (45 minutes)
Friday 4/15: Body Pump Class (55 minutes)

Ok, I'm still doing good, but why am I soooooo tired. All I can do is think of SLEEP! I slacked off an extra day this week because I was in desperate need of a nap (or two or three), but I'm going to step it up next week. The exhaustion and hunger is just a side effect of working out so much...surely.

Monday 4/18: Biking (30 minutes)
Tuesday 4/19: Body Attack Class (55 minutes)
Thursday 4/21: Piyo (30 minutes) + Spin Class (30 minutes)

I sluggishly forced myself to complete my workouts this week, but I came home Friday and that's when things changed. I didn't totally abandon my exercise goals for the month, in fact, I ended April by running a 5K, but let's just say that itty bitty bikini might not make an appearance this summer after all. My body had been telling me something all along...

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