Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up." --A.A. Milne

January: Nutrition and Health
February: Kindness and Generosity
March: Order and Purpose
April: Strength and Flexibility
May: Relationships
June: Adventure and Fun
July: Community and Environment
August: Knowledge and Interests
September: Sleep and Tranquility
October: Simplicity and Moderation
November: Gratitude and Positivity
December: Spirituality and Resolution

I love shows like “Hoarders” and “Clean Sweep” where they help families get rid of massive amounts of clutter and organize their homes. I have high anxiety all through the show,but then I feel so relieved when it’s all cleaned up. If I wasn’t a teacher, I’ve always said I would love to be a professional organizer. There is something really satisfying and encouraging about turning chaos into function, and I love how light and liberated I feel in a space that has just been cleaned.

Although I usually keep things pretty neat, there are certain tasks or areas of our house that get neglected, and we are somehow always accumulating stuff but rarely getting rid of anything. In March, I plan to sell, donate, or trash things that don’t serve a positive purpose, to organize cluttered closets and drawers, and to complete projects I’ve been procrastinating. I also want to get important paperwork filed away and a plan together to pay off any and all debt efficiently. These are things that I think about doing all the time, but I never have the time or motivation to get done. The end result should be a little more peace of mind and breathing room (not to mention space to put new shoes in my closet)!

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